How do I know if I need a consultant for my project?
Ask yourself these questions:
What kind of resources exist in-house?
What is my experience level with this kind of project? and,
What kind of time do I have to dedicate to this project?
The answers always vary, and you have to analyze all three factors. If the answer is "light" to any one of these questions, consider utilizing my services.
What services do you offer?
For a general answer, I do marketing programs and events: conferences, trade shows, product launches, beta programs, seminars, co-marketing activities, field training, etc.
...But rather than saying "here's exactly what I do," I like to look at a whole project and ask "what's needed here?" I can provide the gamut of marketing services, so I don't like to limit myself (or my clients).
What do you charge?
First off, I don't charge hourly, because a lot of companies don't work with hourly consultants. They don't like the idea of the clock running and the surprise bill coming at the end. I provide a quote for the whole project, asking a lot of questions up front to gain full understanding of what it is you are really looking for and the scope of the job.
My goal is to give the best possible price. I don't have any hidden commissions that I'm getting from other companies, and I'm not working any other angles. My clients get the best rates: period.
How should I plan?
Timelines often come from some mysterious "them" further up the line. So, in truth, my clients are often living with timelines not of their own choosing. Sometimes the timelines have nothing to do with being sensible. I'm used to it. I have a lot of experience coping with that improbable deadline.
One of the things I can help you do is outline (and push for) the feasible. Just remember, whatever the situation, we'll be in it together.
How should I budget?
Budgets are a lot like timelines, in that up front you need to know the resources you have available. A lot of time can be misspent by planning a project without a solid budget first. I can help you create—and stick to—that solid budget, so your resources are spent wisely and productively.
What's the number one, most important quality that a consultant should have?
Flexibility. You've got to appreciate the circumstances that your client is working in, and move to accomodate them.
What tells me you're a good consultant?
Repeat clients. In my mind that means they were happy with the job I did for them. The vast majority of my clients are repeat customers, and my new clients have always been referred clients, so somebody passed on the word that they enjoyed working with me, and that I did a good job for them.
Besides flexibility, what's your biggest strength?
I like to enjoy the projects I'm doing. I'm very good at the work I do, but I think the fact that people enjoy working with me is my strongest suit.
You go into a project, knowing you're going to make it out the other side. Sometimes you're not sure how exactly, but you know you will. I have the flexibility and the ability to do whatever it is that needs to be done. And I make every effort to keep the whole experience enjoyable. That's what I offer my clients.